Quantum racing Day Two =Three US 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West.

January 21st, 2014

Quantum Racing make it three from three 

From a race sailed in unusually wet and squally conditions, somewhat atypical of the annual regatta’s reputation for regular breezes and sunshine, the Quantum Racing team managed to keep their unbeaten record intact to increase their overall lead at the top of the US 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West. 

The five leg windward-leeward contest was peppered with big shifts in the wind direction which skewed the course at times to render it more of a drag race. But while it may in the end have required little in the way of tactical thinking, success came for those who kept their heads, made fewest mistakes – or at lease dealt with them best – during a dramatic and exciting sprint.
Quantum Racing extended their lead overall regatta lead ahead of Rán Racing which finished third in this one and only race of the day, whilst the 2013 regatta winners Azzurra had a much better race, finishing second.

The race leaders, with owner-driver Doug DeVos steering, put their unblemished record in jeopardy when they were forced into taking the less favoured gate mark at the final turn due to a problem with their gennaker halyard which required them to cut it. Tactician Terry Hutchinson admitted later that he thought this had cost them not one but two places, but the breeze came back for them and they managed to narrowly hold off Azzurra over the finish line.

The sudden changes in conditions and poor visibility brought many problems for the six TP52s. On the first run Rán Racing lost control momentarily when a gust hit, reducing their chances of challenging Azzurra for second. Hooligan's dramatic slowdown on the first downwind leg was having run into a lobster pot, which mid-bow crew Westy Barlow bravely jumped off the stern and managed to get free from the boat. But the team which is new to the circuit put in a solid performance to finish fourth.

The course area is in a sort of minefield of obstructions like this: a similar incident happened last year here in Key West when Azzurra had to slow to a stop and back down to finally free their obstruction.
And there were costly problems for the Interlodge crew who dropped their kite into the water at the leeward gate which rendered them sixth in the race, also requiring them to cut their halyard.

Francesco Bruni, Azzurra’s strategist confirmed their crew was more satisfied with their second, even if they were slightly unlucky not to win:
“ One side was always a lot longer than the other, downwind was usually a one way track but with a lot of differences in intensity for the whole crew. We are pretty happy, it was better than yesterday and in the end we were quite close to Quantum Racing.  For sure it looked like Quantum Racing went to the wrong gate last time down and we gained a lot then and in fact we were a tiny bit ahead but then just before the layline there was a big right hand shift came for them and they were OK but in fact all credit to Quantum Racing they did a good race and are sailing very, very well.”

Doug DeVos, USA, owner-driver Quantum Racing, USA: “The race had a little bit of everything, up, down and all around. There was good pressure before the start and when we were getting ready and right at the start and on the first leg the breeze just fell away. Then it came back with a vengeance in the middle and towards the end of the race, we had every condition it was really challenging.
It is hard when you are out of the flow and you suddenly have different people doing different things calls, everyone scrambling, you have the wrong jibs up, the wrong spinnakers, and so you have to sail a little differently to try and keep it together. And there is just more commotion. But it all worked out.
It is such fun to be back on the boat, sailing with the guys and having a chance to go racing.” 

Francesco Bruni, ITA, strategist, Azzurra ITA: “It was really very shifty with a lot of rain, a lot of squalls. The wind was really everywhere and it was really hard for the race committee to set up a race course. One side was always a lot longer than the other, downwind was usually a one way track but with a lot of differences in intensity for the whole crew. We are pretty happy, it was better than yesterday and in the end quite close to Quantum Racing.  For sure it looked like Quantum Racing went to the wrong gate last time down and we gained a lot then and in fact we were a tiny bit ahead but then just before the layline there was a big right hand shift came for them and they were OK but in fact all credit to Quantum Racing they did a good race and are sailing very, very well.”

Steve Hayles, GBR, navigator Rán Racing SWE: “It was an unusual day for this part of the world. It was exciting at times, but overall a very unusual and kind of different race. We are just a little disappointed. Up the first beat we were right there and then had two course changes because the wind was all over the place, and then had that little wipeout on the run. We were pushing really hard at the time to just get over the top of Azzurra at the time, that was the main issue. We rounded (the top mark) right on their transom and in these situations you really just have to go for it. There was a puff and just a little bit of a timing problem and that was unfortunate. But third is OK we are reasonably happy with that.”

Standings US 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West

Standings after three races:
1 Quantum Racing (USA)m Doug DeVos (USA) 1,1,1 3pts
2 Rán Racing (SWE), Niklas Zennström (SWE) 2,2,3 7pts
3 Azzurra (ITA), Guillermo Parada (ARG) 3,3,2 8pts
4 Sled (USA), Takashi Okura (USA) 5,4,5 14pts
5 Interlodge (USA), Austin Fragomen (USA) 4,5,6 15pts
6 Hooligan (USA), Gunther Buerman  (USA) 6,6,4 16pts

ETNZ: Back to the Extreme Sailing Series

Quantum Takes first Two Races

Perfect light winds opening for Quantum Racing in Key West

Quantum Racing steered by team owner Doug DeVos won both of the 2014 season’s first races for the US 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West regatta making the best of the very light  and difficult racing conditions, narrowly holding off the current world champions Rán Racing at each of the finishes. 

Quantum Racing came from behind to win a long, slow first race, easing past long time leaders Rán Racing in the final minutes of the last run. Niklas Zennström’s crew slowed when they lead into lighter airs and DeVos’ team proved able to squeeze through inside them to score a well earned first gun.
In the second contest it looked as if Quantum Racing had given up most of a 100 metres lead when they were forced to gybe away from the bad air of two maxi yachts, dropping into a nasty hole in the wind. They were only just able to stay in front of Rán Racing at the finish.

The fitful breezes amounted to no more than eight knots at the very most, and for much of the time the six TP52s were racing in winds of 5 to 7kts on an arena which was peppered with changes in wind direction and very quiet zones which were always evolving and very hard to read on the water.

Quantum Racing, the current 52 SUPER SERIES champions, made something of a slow start off the line in the first race.
DeVos, having been away from the helm of the TP52 for eleven months, immediately found his team on the back foot, struggling to get up to speed for the first few minutes of the season. In contrast Rán Racing came off the pin end of the start line with a well timed opening, with good pace and were able to lead comfortably around the course.

But with the combined talents of Ed Baird looking at the big picture as strategist and Terry Hutchinson calling tactics, the champions kept chipping away, making small gains which then turned into a solid advance at the top of the second beat. A couple of good shifts and additional wind pressure and they were able to keep the pressure on Rán Racing down the last run.

As pathfinder, Zennström was between a rock and a hard place, always leading into the gentler breeze, as Hutchinson was quick to acknowledge later:
“ Rán Racing just kept touching the lighter air first and it was one of those situations that you hate to be in the lead, so we managed to get down inside of them and sneak around them at the finish.”

In the second race it looked for the all the world that Quantum Racing had built themselves a commanding lead. But it was the unfortunate influence of two slow maxi boats rolling down on to them that forced DeVos crew to gybe away at a very difficult moment:
Hutchinson recalled ruefully: “We had to gybe away only because we were getting rolled by two maxi boats, which we really really did not want to do.  And Rán was able to escape but when we came into the finish we were two lengths ahead of them, we had given up about 100 metres are that point and  so it was good to win that race.”

With two wins Quantum Racing lead Rán Racing after the opening day with Azzurra, winners here last year, lying third overall posting two third places.

Terry Hutchinson (USA) tactician Quantum Racing (USA): I would say we got really lucky in the first one we gained a lot of distance back on Rán Racing and Azzurra who were quite launched down the first run. We had a good exit from the bottom mark and sailed a good second beat and passed Azzurra and then we rounded about six lengths behind Rán Racing and they kept touching the lighter air first and it was one of those situations that you hate to be in the lead and we managed to get down inside of them and sneak around them at the finish.
It was a well sailed race, but we were a bit lucky. The second race was a well sailed race and we got away and then we had to gybe away because we were getting rolled by two maxi boats, which we really did not want to do.  And Rán was able to escape but when we came into the finish we were two lengths ahead of them, we had given up about 100 metres are that point and  so it was good to win that race.
But as we know it is a long series here, this is great first day for us, but it is no more and no less than that. 

Niklas Zennström, SWE, owner-driver Rán Racing, SWE“ It was a very tricky first day with the very light winds, lots of snakes and ladders and so anything could happen. We lead the first race. We had a good start and kept the pace on while the other boats were quite slow, and then in the last downwind both Quantum and Azzurra came back with wind from behind us and really there was not much we could do. They just got down just ahead of us.  Quantum Racing were well ahead in the second race but they gybed away and we just kept on and when we were coming back it was very much the same situation as the first race where they managed to get on top of us and passed. And so they beat us in both races but really only by a few metres.  We are actually quite pleased with the way that we sailed today. We are annoyed that we didn’t come out in the end with equal points with Quantum Racing but we sailed the boat really well and did not make many mistakes, so we are actually quite pleased.” 
US 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West 
Standings after two races: 
1 Quantum Racing (USA), Doug DeVos (USA) 1,1 2pts 
2 Rán Racing (SWE), Niklas Zennström (SWE) 2,2, 4pts 
3 Azzurra (ITA), Guillermo Parada (ARG) 3,3 6pts 
4 Interlodge (USA), Austin Fragomen (USA) 5,4 9pts 
5 Sled (USA), Takashi Okura (USA) 4.5 9pts 
6 Hooligan (USA), Gunther Buerman  (USA) 6,6 12pts

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Andrew 'Bart' Simpson 1976 - 2013

Published on May 30, 2013
A tribute to Andrew 'Bart' Simpson.

The service will be held on Friday May 31 in Sherborne Abbey, UK, followed by a celebration of his life at Sherborne Castle.

The Dorset town of Sherborne is 30 miles from Weymouth & Portland where, last summer, Andrew won the second of his two Olympic medals in the two-man Star class keelboat alongside friend and fellow Artemis Racing sailor Iain Percy.

A sailing charity is being established for children in Andrew's name. Donations can be made now through:

Lloyds TSB Bank
Sort: 30-90-92
Account No: 00965801
IBAN: GB82 LOYD 3090 9200 9658 01
Account Name: Peter Jackson Funeral Services Charity

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