Andrew 'Bart' Simpson 1976 - 2013

Published on May 30, 2013
A tribute to Andrew 'Bart' Simpson.

The service will be held on Friday May 31 in Sherborne Abbey, UK, followed by a celebration of his life at Sherborne Castle.

The Dorset town of Sherborne is 30 miles from Weymouth & Portland where, last summer, Andrew won the second of his two Olympic medals in the two-man Star class keelboat alongside friend and fellow Artemis Racing sailor Iain Percy.

A sailing charity is being established for children in Andrew's name. Donations can be made now through:

Lloyds TSB Bank
Sort: 30-90-92
Account No: 00965801
IBAN: GB82 LOYD 3090 9200 9658 01
Account Name: Peter Jackson Funeral Services Charity

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