Americas Cup News :Drastic Changes To Race Format,.

Streamlining The Americas Cup World Series 

In a Competitors forum held last week . It was agreed upon to limit the actual racing days to five at a venue.
This does not change the amount days the boats have access to the water for practice though .
That will still be the same . What it does change is that cost of the event running the TV and media parts , media boats , Course Marshalls, and the time a venues harbor is shut down , helicopter days,. race committee days needed on the water etc.

The AC Tv staff alone employs some 140 to 150 people to capture the event .That with three helicopters needed to be up  medical boats two umpires on Jet skis . The committee boat the two TV cats . Several VIP ribs provided to the teams for guest racers , Anywhere from ten to twelve photo boats , this all starts to add up . Nine days of racing is a long time and this move will allow the teams much needed practice time.

 It also comes at a time im sure some teams are blessing, with at least three boats a board the USS Constitution needing extensive  repair work from damages in Plymouth on the final Super Sunday we all now call it . Artemis racing as well as Green com have major damage .Alpeh as well not as critical .

Having basically cleaned out the ACRM spare parts trailer in Plymouth as well as a one complete boats hulls and wings were borrowed . That being boat eight of the Venetian challenge that was in its container .Core Builders have shipped at least one complete new wing and team China's wing is believed to have been sent back to NZL for repairs .Though San Diego not known for there high winds like the sound in Plymouth . ACRM will need to restock .

Also new is the team patch and templates this probably a move to standardize the using of the America's Cup logo by teams on there team gear and team merchandise.

All in a responsible and corporate event management descion these changes will insure a more efficient and cost efficient way for Venues to control the cost this great Venue has proved to be.
Only ten months well almost a year old in inception. The first two events Cascais And Plymouth were the test beds. Having proved there Global plan the Americas Cup World series has 14 events left . Im sure these wont be the last changes made. With the Announcement last week from Lunna Rossa That they will be trying to field a boat its not sure if they attended the Forum . No official announcement  has been made yet from The Golden Gate Yacht club .  Defending Host club . A application has to be made from and accepted as well as. The fees and purchase of a Ac45 . Like all the current competitors have fulfilled  . Luna Rossa  are a late entry .

San Diego next stop all aboard. Links to Virtual Note board .

Source America's Cup Virtual Notice Board .
34th America’s Cup Regatta Notice 2011/71
From: Iain Murray, Regatta Director
To: Competitors for the 34th America's Cup
Date: 25 October 2011
RE: Protocol Amendment No. 10
Attached is a signed copy of Protocol Amendment No. 10, agreed during the
Competitor Forum Monday 17 October via conference call regarding:
1.1. Article 4.3(b): To more accurately reflect ACRM’s structure after tax
advice and incorporation since the Protocol was first signed.
1.2. Article 15.4(j): Confers a power on the Jury to mediate a dispute.
1.3. Article 22.2: ACWS regattas do not have 9 days of racing, but a mixture
of racing practice days and speed trials.
1.4. 41.8(b): Removes the requirement to provide projections, but retains the
requirement to provide normal six monthly financial reporting.
1.5. Article 43.10(b) and Article 54.6: Allows ACEA to proceed with a new
Event Logo for both the ACWS, LVC and the AC (refer to the draft ACEA
Event Memorandum issued to competitors by email dated 3 October 2011)
reconnaissance during an ACWS regatta.
The Protocol including Amendment No. 10 has been posted to the Virtual
Notice Board. The Virtual Notice Board can be accessed here:
Iain Murray
Regatta Director


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