Volvo Ocean Race Update : Surge in horse power for Telefónica

Telefónica trimmer Xabi Fernández was reunited with a long lost firend today as team mates passed on a special wedding anniversary present from his wife Larraitz. Fernández was thrilled to see a gift wrapped in floral paper today, marking six years of marriage to Larraitz. Fernández handed over the mainsail sheet and unwrapped the gift whilst surrounded by his crewmates hoping for chocolate or another treat and a share in the spoils. Whilst the gift was brown, it wasn’t edible, with the Olympic gold medallist unwrapping a small plastic horse. Far form being any old plastic toy, this was Doldrums, a horse given to Fernández by his son Adur during the 2008-09 race. The horse was given his name by the crew on board Telefónica Blue and took pride of place on the yacht’s cabin top. Doldrums has since become quite the globetrotting mascot, having circumnavigated the world for a second time during the Barcelona World Race last year. Somehow Doldrums was left behind by Fernández but thanks to his thoughtful wife, sailor and mascot have been re-united. “A kiss for my wife,” he said to camera on board leaders Telefónica on Friday. “It was six years ago today that we got married and she still puts up with me!” Meanwhile on board Sanya, the team were dealing with a more unwelcome surprise after a tackline that holds their code zero to the front of the boat broke overnight. The crew reported that the damage occurred in about 20 knots of wind in an unstable sea state. Fortunately they were able to salvage the sail and have since been working on repairs. The team are confident it will be ship shape in no time and they will be back to a full sail artillery soon.


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