Blown Away. VESTAS Sailrocket 2 truly smashes the Outright world speed s...

24th of November,2012. This is the day that VESTAS Sailrocket 2 took speed sailing into a whole new era. Having already broken the existing Outright world speed sailing record by the biggest margin in the records history a little over a week earlier, the team took to the waters of Walvis Bay in strong winds to try and be the first to take the sport over the 60 knot average mark.
This video shows the third run of the day. The record attempt had been plagued by unusually light winds but they knew that on this day, Walvis Bay was going to deliver the goods. After 11 years of hard work on a 'roller coaster of highs and lows'... everything was in place for something big to happen. Founder and co-designer of the Sailrocket project, Malcolm Barnsley, had flown in to see his dream play out before his own eyes. VESTAS Sailrocket 2 has put a mark way up on the graph to show everyone what is possible.
*Record subject to WSSRC ratification

Aerial photography by Bernt Bruns.

Directed, filmed and edited by Ben Holder.

Against the Tide 2 - Part 1: Clipper 11-12 Documentary

ACJ 45 In Secondlife

The Match Race

65. Awards and accolades for Ben Ainslie - AC Discovered


SANSÓ CHECKS IN WITH NEPTUNE ACCIONA 100% EcoPowered crosses the Equator for the first time in tenth position Javier Sansó is enthusiastic about the performance of the eco-efficient power systems on board After twelve days of sailing in the Northern Hemisphere after leaving Les Sables D’Olonne with the Vendée Globe round the world race, Javier Sansó has crossed the Equator on ACCIONA 100% EcoPowered and is now sailing in the Southern Hemisphere trade winds. At 23.26 Spanish time ACCIONA 100% EcoPowered made this particularly significant passage, and as is tradition for every sailor Javier Sansó made his compulsory tribute to Neptune, where all sailors ask for protection and make an offering to “King Neptune”. “When I crossed the Equator I had a little celebration of my crossing with Neptune. My celebration was one of the little luxuries that I have on board – some wonderful Jabugo cured ham (“pata negra”)– absolutely delicious!” The skipper from Mallorca praised the excellent performance of the renewable energy sources and power systems on board ACCIONA 100% EcoPowered with the weather conditions he is currently experiencing at the equator, “The solar panels are going really well and I am so glad I don’t have to turn on an engine to charge the batteries with this heat! NO PETROL ON BOARD!!!!!” “I’m now in the Southern Hemisphere although it is quite uncomfortable sailing with wind between 7 and 11 knots and shifts of up to 30º. I’m going to have to put up with it for another 24 hours until the wind shifts more eastwards and we have more upwind sailing conditions to be able to use another sail.”

Vendee Globe News : Video news reels

Vendee Globe News reel I have edited for All to enjoy in one reel

Vendee Globe News : Alex Thomson - Week 1 highlights

Published on Nov 16, 2012 by AlexThomsonRacing
The first week in the 2012/2013 Vendee Globe with Alex Thomson onboard HUGO BOSS

Vendée Globe News : Savéol dismasted

At 1945hrs (French time), on Thursday, November 15th, Samantha Davies contacted the race office of the Vendée Globe to report that her boat had dismasted. Davies is not injured. She is safe inside the boat with all the watertight doors closed. She is monitoring the situation and does not require assistance. She is wearing her survival suit and has safety equipment at hand.
 When the incident occurred, she was about 130 nautical miles northwest of Madeira (position 34 ° 20'N 19 ° 01'W). The conditions at the time of dismasting were: wind 260 °, 40 knots, swell northwest, 3 to 4 metres. But the situation will gradually improve, with winds decreasing to 15 knots in the second half of the night.
After speaking to Davies, the race office contacted the Cross Griz Nez (France's Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre) to release an urgent Notice to Mariners (AVURNAV). All vessels navigating in a 200 nautical mile radius around Savéol were informed of the incident and the position of the boat.

Louis Vuitton Cup News : Artemis Racing take to the Bay on lucky November 13th - AC UNCUT

The Artemis Racing AC72 hit San Francisco Bay under sail on Tuesday for the first time, with the team training for over three hours in winds of 8-12 knots.

It was a milestone moment for the team who has seen this inaugural test sail delayed first by a damaged wing sail and then by structural issues with the platform during load testing last month.

But the problems have been forgotten today. When the team returned to base after sailing there were a lot of smiles among the crew.

“It’s a big milestone for the team,” said skipper Terry Hutchinson, who came off the boat with a noticeable bounce in his step. “We’ve been working tirelessly towards this day and have had a few setbacks which have been painful for all of us to deal with, so this is the first day of many and it’s nice to get it rolling.

Louis Vuittion Cup News :
“We were quite conservative about the way we sailed the boat today and we worked through the process methodically and signed off on the checklist. You have to show these boats respect; you can tell already that this is going to be a beast.”

Juan Kouyoumdjian, principal designer for the team, said the first sail was all about working through structural tests to ensure the boat was sound. He said the boat passed with flying colors.

“Today was about slowly loading the boat and making checks and then when those boxes are ticked and no funny noises are heard, going on to the next step,” he said. “It was successful. Nothing happened that shouldn’t have happened, so it’s been good.”

“We’re very excited to get out there for day one,” agreed team CEO Paul Cayard. “It was a perfect first day – nothing bad happened and we got a lot of valuable data… We have 30 sailing days we can use, so we’ll review everything tomorrow and plan to get back out on Thursday and do it again. We have to learn in the most efficient way possible with the days we have.

“The first day sailing in every America’s Cup is significant,” he said. “But this Cup it’s a quantum leap because the boats are a new class, it’s catamarans and the wing… And we’ve had a few setbacks, we’ve taken it on the chin a little bit, so it was a big deal for us to get out there and have a good day.”

American Youth Sailing Force Red Bull YAC Trials

Published on Nov 12, 2012 by PressureDrop2010
The team from American Youth Sailing Force talk about their day on the AC 45during trials for the 2013 Red Bull Youth America's Cup. © 2012

Programme 5, Nice - Extreme Sailing Series 2012

Published on Nov 13, 2012 by ExtremeSailingSeries Double Olympic gold medallist Shirley Robertson presents programme 5 of the official Extreme Sailing Series TV Series coming to you from the French Riviera where the penultimate Act of 2012 played out in front of thousands of local spectators from the 18-21 October.

Sun, wind and action drew the crowds to the Promenade des Anglais who witnessed Pierre Pennec lead his French team Groupe Edmond de Rothschild to a well-deserved Act win on their home waters and with it put them back in the hunt for the overall 2012 Series title. The scene is now set for a four-way fight for the Series podium places at the 2012 finale in Rio de Janeiro - watch how the Act unfolded here, including exclusive interviews with the key players

Programme 5, Nice - Extreme Sailing Series 2012

Published on Nov 13, 2012 by ExtremeSailingSeries Double Olympic gold medallist Shirley Robertson presents programme 5 of the official Extreme Sailing Series TV Series coming to you from the French Riviera where the penultimate Act of 2012 played out in front of thousands of local spectators from the 18-21 October.

Sun, wind and action drew the crowds to the Promenade des Anglais who witnessed Pierre Pennec lead his French team Groupe Edmond de Rothschild to a well-deserved Act win on their home waters and with it put them back in the hunt for the overall 2012 Series title. The scene is now set for a four-way fight for the Series podium places at the 2012 finale in Rio de Janeiro - watch how the Act unfolded here, including exclusive interviews with the key players

Alex Thomson 'The Time is Now' Vendée Globe Race Start


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