SANSÓ CHECKS IN WITH NEPTUNE ACCIONA 100% EcoPowered crosses the Equator for the first time in tenth position Javier Sansó is enthusiastic about the performance of the eco-efficient power systems on board After twelve days of sailing in the Northern Hemisphere after leaving Les Sables D’Olonne with the Vendée Globe round the world race, Javier Sansó has crossed the Equator on ACCIONA 100% EcoPowered and is now sailing in the Southern Hemisphere trade winds. At 23.26 Spanish time ACCIONA 100% EcoPowered made this particularly significant passage, and as is tradition for every sailor Javier Sansó made his compulsory tribute to Neptune, where all sailors ask for protection and make an offering to “King Neptune”. “When I crossed the Equator I had a little celebration of my crossing with Neptune. My celebration was one of the little luxuries that I have on board – some wonderful Jabugo cured ham (“pata negra”)– absolutely delicious!” The skipper from Mallorca praised the excellent performance of the renewable energy sources and power systems on board ACCIONA 100% EcoPowered with the weather conditions he is currently experiencing at the equator, “The solar panels are going really well and I am so glad I don’t have to turn on an engine to charge the batteries with this heat! NO PETROL ON BOARD!!!!!” “I’m now in the Southern Hemisphere although it is quite uncomfortable sailing with wind between 7 and 11 knots and shifts of up to 30º. I’m going to have to put up with it for another 24 hours until the wind shifts more eastwards and we have more upwind sailing conditions to be able to use another sail.”


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