America's Cup News: TWO iconic pieces of Australia's sporting folklore will sail from Mackay Marina next week.

TWO iconic pieces of Australia's sporting folklore will sail from Mackay Marina next week. The America's Cup 12 metre yachts Australia and Steak N Kidney have been undergoing a refit at Mackay Marina and are headed for Sydney Harbour, where they will help revive memories of one of Australia's greatest sporting triumphs. Sydney yachtsman and Australian 12m Historic

Trust president Ben Morgan said on Thursday the yachts were a link with an era of pride for all Australians. The KA-5 Australia was tycoon Alan Bond's second 12m yacht. It was built in 1976 and unsuccessfully challenged for the America's Cup at Rhode Island in 1977. Bond's third 12m, the revolutionary winged-keeled Australia II won the trophy in 1983, breaking a 132-year winning streak by American yachtsmen and forever changing the series which is now dominated by multi-hulls. His first yacht, Southern Cross, is still operating as a charter vessel at Airlie Beach.

 Sid Fischer challenged for the America's Cup in 1985 at Fremantle, Western Australia, with the KA-14 Steak N Kidney. "Twelve metre yachting and the America's Cup racing form an era that is just iconic to Australians," Morgan said. "There is really nowhere you can go to experience 12m yachting from that era so the decision was made that it was best to form a voluntary organisation allowing people to participate in the restoration, operation and events surrounding these yachts." Morgan said he was sure Alan Bond, the man most remembered for Australia II's famous victory, would be happy. "There is no doubt that he was involved in something that created history," he said. "For Australians this was a huge cultural high point.

 "It needs to be remembered and preserved for what it was, and that was an unbelievable financial and personal commitment by Alan and his crews. 

"It was a win that paid enormous dividends for Australia as a country and culturally, all power to him. "He must be proud to know that part of that era is being preserved." Both yachts were taken to Airlie Beach about 10 years ago as tourist attractions, but the failure of the operating company left them mouldering at a pier before they were bought recently by the trust operators. Steak N Kidney joined Australia in the water yesterday after their refits at the Mackay Marina, and after sea trials over the next few days they are expected to leave for Sydney next week, stopping off at many ports along the way. "We're still searching for crews who want to join as we take the boats south," Morgan said. Anyone interested can contact him on 0415 577 724.


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